With James going off to college and me needing photographs of all four boys together I had to get them together quickly to do photographs. I'm never sure what craziness I'm going to get with them. I don't think they can be serious for more than five seconds, which is always good, because I'm never serious for more than five seconds and if I am, it's not good.

Sweet Tyler never wants to smile for me. I'm constantly watching for a chance to snap a photograph quickly when he does smile. They are rare but beautiful. This black and white (above) is one of my favorite group photos of all time because sweet Ty is SMILING. And smiling good. My life's work is complete.
Aleena is naturally beautiful. And that hair. Can someone please tell me how I can get beautiful hair like that? She came in feeling a bit insecure (what 40 weeks pregnant woman wouldn't?) but you can tell through her pictures that she is loved; feels that love and is beautiful.

And Michael. Lastly, Michael. Michael is one of my main male models for my company. I have a list of models I keep on hand to keep my portfolio fresh. Michael is very good at letting me try artsy photographs on him; but he is the biggest goof of them all. He's also the big brother and will help me get everyone serious when I need to get business done so we can move on. I know our shoots are always double the length in time because they love to have fun.
At the end of the day as crazy as these boys and this family is they are incredible. They are one of my favorite families to shoot because they aren't afraid to just be themselves in front of the camera. They aren't afraid of people seeing their craziness; they embrace it. That's what we need more in front of our cameras. People who are comfortable. As always you can find the full album on the facebook page. Click here to go straight there.