Michael, Michael, Michael. This is often what I'm thinking in my head while I am on a modeling shoot with this amazing model. I met Michael back in the Spring when I instantly connected with his amazing mother, Patty. I first noticed his potential in modeling at his mothers cancer shaving party. He had a certain look I was going for especially as a more "serious" model and had a gorgeous face. He can pull off both the "clean shaving" look and also the scruffy look which makes each of our shoot possibilities endless.

Check out some of Michael's answers:
1. Have you ever modeled before working with Meg Martino Photography?
A little. I had people that would ask me to do a shoot here or there.

I was a little surprised and I'm not sure what I was expecting. Weirdness, because you are weird.
3. What has been the most challenging experience?
Meeting your expectations.
4. What have you learned from modeling? Would you recommend someone else model, even just for fun, if they were asked?
Yes, I would recommend it and I learned to just have fun with it. Meg is fun. And life is short. No need to be serious all the time. I feel like when people are so serious all the time life becomes boring.
5. What has been your favorite experience/shoot with Meg?
Definitely the night shooting. I'm looking forward to more of that. The colors are so bright and it's my style for sure.
Michael has since become one of my best friends. He's a great model and is open to new ideas and creative props and locations. He's also an amazing tattoo artist (if you are interested in his information for work please private message me on my facebook page).
I have high expectations for Michael and look forward to what the future holds as far as his modeling and the portraits take both of us. I use him for a lot of creative face shots and plan to add more creative ideas to our shoots.
I'm also grateful for the few shots that Michael has capture of me by being just himself. He's one of the most genuine people I've met. He doesn't always show his sensitive side but it's there and it's one of the things I love most about him. Make sure you hit him up with a comment or two on how awesome he is and check out his full portrait rolls over on the Meg Martino Photography facebook page. You will be sure to enjoy them!