Monday, April 28, 2014


Jenny came to me when I launched and asked for models and asked if I would do a photoshoot of her. I will be frank, I was really intimidated. Not only is Jenny drop dead gorgeous and has red hair unlike any redhead I've met - but she's worked with many professional photographers. Some that I even look up to and admire in the art.

But I never turn down a pretty face, especially when I've asked. I also knew that Jenny would be flexible in posing, the scenery in which we wanted to shoot and would let me be creative in the theme.

I chose a local park that is honestly quite common for photographs. There is a railroad there and I wanted to get a lot of our shots on the tracks. I was aiming for a strong yet feminine session; because this is what describes Jenny. She is strong, bold and beautiful.

The session turned out wonderful. We got there super early and the weather was in my favor. She was very fun to photograph and did pretty much anything I asked, even if the pose was a bit uncomfortable or seemed odd. Sometimes a really good photograph feels odd because of the position but then turns out beautiful in the camera. You have to roll with it. :)

I am really proud of her leg shot because one of her arms was completely shown in this photo. It took away from the character and while I am not the greatest of editors I was able to remove this and then made it a more vintage style color. This is going to be awesome blown up and hung in a future office.

After an hour and a half of straight shooting we ended the session and had some amazing photos in the roll. We were running off lack of sleep and coffee but our creative sides were sparked (or maybe we just wanted to get it done). I cannot wait to do photograph Jenny again, that is, if she'll allow me too! ;)

You can also check out all of the photos on my facebook page at Meg Martino Photography on Facebook.