Brittany did not ask to be a model. In fact, I think she blew my post for free photo sessions off. But. I knew as soon as I got my equipment that she was going to be one of the first people I called to photo shoot. Brittany, is a rare breed and I am almost positive I have a serious girl crush on her. She is a beautiful, strong, intelligent, care free woman who loves the Lord, children and has a heart for missions.
I first saw Brittany in a photograph from a missions trip. I knew of her and knew she went to church and served in the same class as one of my children but I never really took the time to
look at her. I need to stop wasting time. I noticed in her in a photograph she took when visiting India and I was
blown away. I knew that I needed to get my lens on her and when I met her officially in person she was even prettier.
I asked her to join me out at the Historic Latta Plantation. I wanted her photo session not just to capture the essence of her beauty but of her heart. I wanted something unique, ethnic, and emotion filled. Bold.

I brought a few props that would represent her world travel. This girl has gone some places (including Paris, gosh I'm jealous!). She doesn't let her singleness get her down and instead embraces this gift as a way to spread God's word and love to all the nations and people of this world.

Our photo shoot together was really fun. She was very responsive and willing to do all kinds of crazy things. She's also good with hearing the truth on a prop or outfit suggestion. She didn't even mind the fact that I used a necklace as a head piece! You have to get creative and think outside of the box in order to have a successful photo session. You can't be afraid to hear someone say, "Meg, you are crazy," or weird, or insane. The craziest people make the
best artists.
Brittany is a true gem, a treasure to behold, and will be one of my main models and the face of Meg Martino Photography.